Top 5 Most Original Hen Party Ideas
Hen parties were invented for the girls to get away from the lads for a last weekend of fun, flirting and frivolity before committing to your soul mate.The first free fall flight simulator in Europe is based in Riga, Latvia. A freefall flight simulator uses vertical air currents to simulate the feel of a sky dive but with none of the dangers. You will be welcomed by your rather handsome hosts and be given a short induction course. Just some simple guidelines about whats going to happen to you in the simulator and how to control your body ! Enter the simulator and the fans are turned on. Magically you float.
Llama trekking is a fascinating choice. There are currently seven Llama trekking centres located in the UK. Llamas are not the same as camels - they do not spit. This is a great way to see the surrounding countryside. The panniers are loaded with goodies (and of course champagne) and then you mount up and set off on a guided tour. It is of course obligatory to stop and picnic.
There are various punting centres around Ireland and the UK. The punts are of course chauffer driven. These are very friendly guys that guide you safely along the rivers.
Each punt seats four girls. As these are specialised tours there is a picnic packed and stowed on board. The picnics have a range of menus and prices. The chauffeur punts off to a predetermined picnic spot on the river bank. What bliss, a handsome chauffeur, a custom designed picnic and the river.
Flirting classes are a recent innovation. They are normally held in a private meeting room of a hotel. You will be met by an interesting team who will lead you through a series of hilarious ideas for seducing your man.
This is not for the fainthearted. What a thrill cascading down a river in a rubber raft with your girlfriends and of course the crew ready to save you should the worst happen. When you reach the end there are refreshments with perhaps just a little cocktail !
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